Reading: Luke 1:5-38

To hear of the angel's visit to Zechariah reminds many that their own hopes for a child have not yet been fulfilled. They grieve for the child that has not yet and may never come.
To hear these announcements of good news, reminds many of the good news they once heard but which ended in the pain of miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death.
To hear the angel's proclamation, "your wife is with will have a son," is to bear both life and fear. For every parent who ever said, "I will hold a child in my heart," has committed to hold both delight and pain.
For every parent who ever said,
"I will hold a child in my heart,"
has committed to hold both delight and pain.
Matched here in the Gospel of Luke is surprising news of imminent life delivered first to an old priest and then to a young, unmarried woman. As we read the familiar stories, our imaginations are filled with the delight of new human life held in wonder, the laughter of chubby cheeks and the toddling run of eager legs. But in the back of our minds is the knowledge that each of these miraculous boys, John and Jesus, will grow to men. They will embrace their callings and endure great suffering.
While expecting a baby... Jesus or our own... it is hard to know how to reach out to people who have experienced painful love for a child. What we do know, is that they long to be heard, they long for our comfort and friendship, for listening ears and compassionate hearts that will hear and bear both the expected delight and the endured pain. For neither joy nor grief are meant to be born alone.
After the angel departs, Mary seeks out her cousin Elizabeth. I imagine that during their visit, they share both their dreams and their fears with one another. In this season of expectation, I pray that you will be received by one who will listen to your hopes and your grief, and that you will be open to recieve others.
Here are two resources I hope you will use and share. The first is a beautiful devotion for those grieving pregnancy loss written by our former Interim Associate Pastor for Children and Family Minstry, Holding Hope by Ashley-Anne Masters (link here).
The second is a helpful article
Fifteen Do's and Dont's for Helping a Friend with a Child in the Hospital. (linked here)
God of Love,
You gave us your child to show us your love and to bear our pain.
Help us embrace one another as you have embraced us, with love and compassion.
Be with those who mourn the loss of a child.
Be with those who sit by the bed of a child.
Comfort us all with your eternal presence and hope.
In the name of your life giving child,
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